Saturday, February 13, 2010

Here Yesterday Gone Today

robin The snow we had Thursday and Friday has just about all melted away. This morning when we woke up and look out our window we saw very little evidence of snow. However, the birds particularly the Robins were plentiful. I guess the moisture in the ground was driving the worms and grubs to the surface and the birds were having a feast.

image We had to go into Longview this morning to pick up Sandy's moms prescriptions. While there we made a quick visit to Best Buy where I used some of My Rewards gift coupons to purchase a Ipod universal dock with remote for Sandy’s Valentine gift tomorrow. This reminds me  we wish all of our family and friends out there a Happy Valentine’s Day! She wants to play our Ipod Classic through our home entertainment system and this will allow her to control the Classic remotely. The (IR) infrared remote will allow her to control playback, volume control, next/fast forward, menu and play pause with just the touch of the remote. She is also reading up on how we might be able to use this devise and get a cable to our TV where we can play music videos from the Classic to the TV. Not quite sure what's all involved here.

Until next time…MtnAire Travlers. Have a…………


1 comment:

  1. Back at cha...We would love to see you guys. We will be in Arkansas and Louisiana next two weeks.
