Thursday, January 13, 2011

Some Neat Things For Sandy

Sandy's sister Pam gave her a solar lighted hummingbird for placing near our entry door. She purchased a package of three at Harbor Freight and gave one to Sandy to try. All I can say it is more ornamental than functional. Doesn't give enough light to help you see the steps. It is pretty though with it's changing colors of white, red and blue.


Most of the ice and snow has melted off the roof and our temperatures are suppose to start climbing through most of next week. Things are not looking good for getting the roof sealed tomorrow or Saturday. The guy that was going to do it hurt his knee. So since its suppose to rain this weekend we will put a tarp over the area and hope to get it sealed next week.

The snow has really brought the birds to our feeder. Here are some that have visited us these past few days. I guess the squirrels are all cozy in their nest or borrows as we haven't seen any out and about.


Sandy finally got her an IPad and she loves it. There are many features she likes about it but the two features she really loves is using it as an eBook reader and the App Paprika Recipe Manager. Here she is preparing  one of her favorite chili recipes for dinner tonight. Of course I like to play games on it one particularly I like is Deer Hunter.....very realistic. Many many card games and the Maps App is great when traveling. Of course you have to have Wifi which we do at all times with our Verizon air card and Cradlepoint router.


Paprika allows Sandy to create her own recipe's, save recipes from any website, and organize them the way she wants. She can make a grocery list, plan meals for the week using this app.

Until next time. . . .MtnAire Travlers.

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